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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pavillion of Tengwang

Echo took us to visit Tengwang Pavillion in Nanchang on our 2nd day with Sunshine. It is one of 3 famous towers along to Yangtze River - it stands on the bank of the Ganjiang River. In 659, it was built as the home of Prince Teng. In later years, it became a famous gathering place for scholars to recite poems and sing. The famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Bo, wrote a famous essay here called "Notes on Tengwang Pavillion," which made the pavillion even more famous. The essay is written on the wall inside the pavillion and it is something school children have to memorize.

Us with the other adoptive mama in our travel group, and pretty P!

We were inside the pavillion here waiting for a show to start ... SO hot and no central air on the TOP floor - there were 2 small AC units, so we stood by them most of the time.

Outside around the pavillion - decks went all the way around the pavillion on all the floors - it was a nice way to catch a breeze. Did I tell you it was HOT?!

Looking below - not sure what this is but it was closeby to the pavillion and looks similar to it.

This dude was etching Sunshine's American name in Chinese characters, along with her birthday, on the back of a Tiger charm made out of a local natural stone (can't remember the name!!)

This last picture has nothing to do with the Tengwang Pavillion ... but can you guess what is driving this monster of a load? C'mon, just guess ....

If you guessed that it was ONE MAN on a BICYCLE ... you WIN!! We have seen MANY things being bicycled along on the road, but this one is the best in our book! I wonder if we can top it? We still need to get to Guangzhou, I suppose it's possible!

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