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Thursday, December 15, 2011


Believe it or not, she actually asks me to "do" her hair in the mornings now. LOL. She is a trip! I guess after seeing Angel getting hers done, she thinks it's something everyone should do. She leaves it alone too! Fine by me, it's nice to get her hair out of her eyes and have her look not so disheveled all the time :-) We're at the weird in-between phase with her hair while it's growing out, I'll be glad when we're past it! In the meantime though, I can work with the pigtails.

In other news, we are on day 4 of sick kiddos. You can see it in
Sunshine's little face. Angel finally went back to school today, but I think Sunshine is getting the worst of it. It really seems like she has been sick or recovering since her last surgery, this poor child just cannot get a break with these colds! She is coughing so hard that she's actually throwing up. Ugh. She's in good spirits while she's awake for the most part ... but sleeping is rough for her. She's thrown up several times in bed, which even resulted in a middle-of-the-night bath time. Hopefully this will be through all of us before Christmas!


  1. We are at that weird inbetween stage too...I hate it!

  2. Oh, I can't wait for pigtails!! Is it me or do they make Brooyn look so much older?!

    Sick or not, she's adorable!!

  3. Oh goodness! Prayers for you my friend. Hopefully, it clears out before Christmas. She is too cute with those pigtails!

  4. LOVE the pigtails!!
    -Stephanie (wearefamily)
    For some reason I can't comment on your blog as myself...go figure.
