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Friday, January 14, 2011

Moondough Town

Have you played with moondough yet?? If not, you totally should. Just saying.


  1. Seriously? We should? That mess on your floor makes me break a sweat just looking at the picture! Ick! I am not much of a playdough person even because of crumbles and I make the kids play with it only on the kitchen table on trays. I'm such a boring, no fun mom.

  2. Kelly - I am totally getting your kids some moondough, they will LOVE IT! Just keep it in a smallish area, get up what you can when they're done and then vacuum the rest up! Obviously you should avoid carpet :-) The one weird side effect is that it makes our floors really slippery for several days afterward ... don't know how or why but it does. Regardless, it's SUPER fun and absolutely worth the mess!
