slide show

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Penguin Toddle

(I apologize this video is a little long, but she was too stinkin' cute to edit any of it out!)

I am still amazed to see Sunshine WALK all over our house. It has been a long road and it's just miraculous to see all of the fruits of our labor finally culminate to the beauty of Sunshine's precious little penguin toddle. And as I re-watched this video, I couldn't help but be even more amazed at all of the other subtle changes ... the level of comfort she has in our family like she has always been here ... the effortless way she communicates through sign ... the beautiful relationship that has evolved between her and Lovebug (and our entire family) ... the way she moves around our house and interacts like it has always been so ... and then the obvious physical growth she has experienced as well. I mean, WOW! God is so good!


  1. Oh, I just wanted to reach through the screen and eat her up! She is just precious. I loved watching her toddle around. Hooray for Brooklyn!

  2. OMG that little tushie moving from side to side is soooooo cute!

  3. Oh, goodness! She's just cruisin' around like a pro!!

  4. Oh, I could just gobble her up!!!! Can't wait to meet her some day!!!!!! Btw, thank u for your prayers!((hugs))
