slide show

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dirty socks

So what do dirty socks symbolize besides the obvious dirty floor?
(Sorry ... it's just the way it is with 3 kids and 2 dogs ... oh yeah and 2 parents)

Dirty socks symbolize *progress* ... this little girl is walking on her FEET so much now that her socks are actually dirty ... with fur and floor dirt and dried milk and other floor stuff. Her little tushie used to be the dirty part of her body. She scooted around so much that she actually wore a hole in a favorite pair of pants. We used to joke that we were going to attach a swifter to her pants so she could clean our floor whilst scooting about ... although still a creative idea, we eventually figured that would go against child labor laws though and decided not to :-) LOL.

I know I've said it before, but I am so very proud of this kid ... to watch all that she has accomplished physically and emotionally in just a short 8 months. It's been an uphill battle some days, but to finally see her toddle around the house ... um yeah wow ... pretty incredible. I know it seems like such a normal, simple milestone to be so thrilled about, but after all the work that went into it, I am reveling in this amazing accomplishment for several more weeks :-)

Sunday Snapshot


  1. Yay for Brooklyn! That sounds like something to celebrate, for sure!!

  2. I totally get it! :) (I wish I could attach a vacuum hose to my kids hard floors here.)

  3. she is incredible!! And, love the photo of the dirty socks to document her progress! Praise God!

  4. Yay for Brooklyn! Lovin' the dirty socks.

  5. bible god fsh distrowed the image of the girl photo tell me if any of u have problems looking at this image with a fsh triangle error father son holy ghost

  6. if fsh mess with this image there going to hell for eturnity for crminal activity and voilating our laws jesus just didnt get enough the anit christ

    1. warning to fbi god of bible remove this girls photo places on web do anyone else have difficulty seeing this image
