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Friday, May 27, 2011

She's ONE!!!

Today is Sunshine's birthday ... my DAUGHTER'S birthday. Part of me is a little sad that we didn't get to celebrate it with her ... but the other part of me knows that I can't be sad at all because she will be in our arms in just eleven short days.

Amazing. Surreal. Exciting. Joyful. Scary. Overwhelming.

So many emotions ... I can't pinpoint one because I seem to be feeling them ALL. I can't wait to hold her in my arms but I am also nervous about what is to come. Honestly, I still can't believe that DH and I will be on a plane to Beijing in a week from right now. There are so many things that still need to be done, it's difficult to actually focus on our trip and our new daughter. I have 3 sessions this weekend, we will celebrate Sunshine's birthday on Wednesday and her Kindergarten graduation is on Thursday evening (you know, the night before we leave for China). On top of that, there are still plenty of odds and ends that need to be tied up before we can leave.

But, today ... my daughter's birthday ... was a wonderful distraction from all of the STUFF. We had a small party with just our immediate family and it was an absolute blast. Just wait until I post the pictures of our hilarious attempts at using my remote control for the camera. I was super-excited about using it to document everyone (including me!!) here to celebrate. LOL. I'm not sure that we got a winning shot, but the combination of all the images together is spectacularly priceless ... seriously laugh-out-loud worthy and the most perfect way to document this day ... the day of my daughter's first birthday :-)


  1. What a bittersweet day. When she gets older, she will love seeing how you still celebrated even though she wasn't in your arms yet.

  2. We will be praying for your family as you travel to pick up Brooklyn. Thank you for all of the support Nicole, you are a wonderful friend and I am so excited to watch you meet and bring Brooklyn home!!

