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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Five seems to be a tough one for me

I have now celebrated 13 birthdays with my kiddos (14 if you count the one when Sunshine was still in China).  I suppose that's not so many, especially compared to many of my adoptive mama friends.  Regardless though, it's enough for me to know that for some reason, the 5th birthday seems to get me all choked up.  It's the age when they are no longer a toddler/preschooler.  The age, at least it feels for me, when they kind of grow up overnight.  Five.  School age.  No longer a "baby" ... but becoming a little person.

Let me tell ya, I am so thankful for this homeschooling thing.  It makes Lovebug's fifth birthday easier to digest because I know I still get to be with him everyday.  And oh how I love being with him, just to soak in any bit of him that I can.  The little guy he is growing into is seriously remarkable.  I am in awe of his precious heart ... the way he cares for others, it's truly inspiring.  And God gave him to me here on Earth to raise.  One blessed mama, I am.  Ahhhh, I just can't get enough of my little man.  I see Jesus' heart in him more and more everyday ... that is something to give praises for.

Happy Fifth Birthday to my special little Lovebug.  I can't tell ya'll how blessed I feel knowing that I am the mama that gets to watch him grow.

1 comment:

  1. For me, it's not so much the 5th birthday that gets me choked up, but the loss of the first baby tooth. I admit it, I've shed a tear over it. It just seems like just such a big-kid thing.
