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Friday, November 16, 2012

My reluctant reader

Is not so reluctant anymore.  Praise God.  It's amazing what the right set of books will do for a child's desire to read.  Even though these books have plenty of more difficult words also, for some reason, she is happy to ask for help.  Unlike many other chapter books we have been through ... which were more like torture for her to read, she is happy to pick up these books.  Albeit a bit slow, she is doing it.  I think my beautiful girl has finally found the gift of reading, and I couldn't be more thrilled.

A few additional fun facts for my homeschooling mamas ... many of these books have "Fact Tracker" companions that are non-fiction.  They give the kids more information about the time, place, etc. that the book was about.  So for example, there is a Fact Tracker companion to the book Angel is reading about pandas and other endangered species.  AND ... you're gonna love this, many of the books have correlating lesson plans.  So because the characters go back in time, as well as all over the world, these are fictional history books that could be incorporated into history studies!  There is a Thanksgiving book that has a Fact Tracker companion about Pilgrims that I'm planning on working through next week.  And there are several books that take place in Ancient Times ... oh how I wish I researched this series earlier!


  1. My boys love these books! Granted, they're not reading them, we listen on audio book in the car. So glad she's enjoying them! Has she tried any of the American Girl books? I'm not sure as to the reading level though. Great if she likes history.

  2. Oh yay! Isn't it awesome when you find something that totally peeks their interest? That series introduced Caleb to chapter books and helped to build his stamina for reading. So happy that Angel loves them too.

  3. My son loves The Magic Tree House series, too. My daughter is very much into the Rainbow Magic series these days. I feel happy whenever I see children with their noses buried in a book. When a child finds joy in reading, it just opens up a lifetime of adventure and discoveries and wonderment.

    Lovely photos. :)

  4. My son started reading Magic Tree House at 7 years old, and he was hooked. We have taken home some from the library over 4 times. I think he's gone through every one they have. They totally started his love of reading. He is our early bird, and he started reading in bed in the morning waiting for the family to wake up. Then it got to the point that he would be reading them at every break during our school day. Soon I realized he was read more than one per day!!! I started making him read another chapter book between the magic tree house books. Now he's branched out on his own more. He's 9 years old now. I gave him The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe at the beginning of summer. I remember reading the first chapter with him hoping it would 'grab' him the way it did me when I was a child. He wasn't too sure about it. I asked him to give it a chance and finish it. Well, he's almost done with The Last Battle now (the 7th and last book in the C. S. Lewis series). My mommy/teacher heart couldn't be more proud!! I hope you enjoy your little one take off into book as much as I have. God Bless!

  5. Happy she has learned to love reading and yes it is all about which books!

  6. My son (now 14 years old and next year coming as an pupil to USA for a high school year from Germany) loved the magic tree house to. It's called: das magische Baumhaus in german!

    Lots of love,


  7. My Zoe was the same. way! I knew she would enjoy reading but we couldn't find the right ones. Magic Treehouse did the trick! She still loves to read those today even though she is on a higher reading level. :)

  8. yes, the magic treehouse was a hit here too! My daughter finally took off this year at age 9! THANK GOD!!!

  9. My reluctant reader (age 8) also loves this series and is now reading like crazy! She also loves the American Girl series, which is at most libraries.
